Yellow-breasted Chat, Icteria virens
![]() Birds of North America describes the Yellow-breasted Chat as "frequently overlooked and seldom seen" mainly as a result of its "skulking, secretive nature." It manages to stay out of sight while the male deploys one of the most varied and conspicuous of birdsongs, a loud and extended series of "whistles, rattles, catcalls, and grunts," enriched by imitation. I had several times heard one of these birds, sometimes never seeing them, other times getting only quick glimpses. Finally in my thirteenth year as a bird photographer, I delightedly encountered this this handsome fellow, who did sing from the underbrush like others of his species, but also displayed himself right out in the open, as if intentionally posing for me to take his picture. |
![]() The Chat is classified as a parulid or wood-warbler, despite being much larger and possessing a proportionately larger bill than other warblers, and subsisting as much on fruit as on the insects which are the regular diet of this tribe. The male's varied, extended, and imitative song is also wholly unlike that of any other warbler. But molecular analysis has shown this species to be more closely related to the warblers than to other families that they more resemble in appearance, behavior, or voice, such as the tanagers, vireos, and mimids. |