Wood Duck, Aix sponsa
Wood Duck, male, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co
In my experience, these beauties tend to be very skittish; one exception, where Wood Ducks have become accustomed to human approach, is the Santee Lakes recreation area in the eastern suburbs of San Diego. The breeding-plumage pelicans on the cliffs of La Jolla Cove and the Santee Wood Ducks are two reasons, on top of the good weather, why bird photographers like the San Diego area in mid-winter.
Wood Duck, female, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co
Wood Duck, female, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co
Wood Duck, male, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co
Wood Ducks, pair, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co
Wood Duck, male, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co
Wood Duck, female, 1/14/08, Santee Lakes, San Diego Co