Violet-green Swallow, Tachycineta thalassina

Violet-green Swallow
The purple on the upper-tail coverts, often not seen, identifies this as a male of this most beautiful of North American swallow species. Green on the back can be bright in both sexes, male head usually relatively bright green; female head duller green to brownish. The extension of white above the eye is a mark that allows distinction of Violet-green from Tree Swallows in flight. The two species co-exist in the San Francisco Bay Area, with the Violet-green usually at higher altitudes and the Tree more often near bodies of water. 

Violet-green Swallow
Females above and below, showing the characteristic slightly duller green back, crown dull green or brown, and less distinct separation between crown color and white cheek.

Violet-green Swallow

Violet-green Swallow
It's not always easy to see the "violet" on these birds, as above, but the pictures at the top and the three below give good looks at it.

Violet-green Swallow

Violet-green Swallow

Violet-green Swallow
The shot above shows another mark that allows distinction of Violet-green from Tree Swallows; the
white of the underparts extends further onto the rear upperparts of the Violet-green, giving the appearance
of a white rump in on a bird in flight.

Violet-green Swallow
Above, another view of the male swallow's beautiful coloring: pure white underparts, rich green crown, bright green back, rich brown coverts, a glimpse of the purple tail coverts, and a bit of purple at the shoulder. Below, a side view with the male turned to face the camera, showing green tinged with purple on the back, and deep purple tail-coverts. (Maybe you can tell I'm fond of these birds.)

Violet-green Swallow

Violet-green Swallows
Pairs (or the same pair) interacting while perched at the same spot a year apart in April of 2016 and 2017, female calling above, both birds below. A pair of Violet-green Swallows have regularly nested in this snag. It's hard for me not to see these two similar interactions anthropomorphically, as marital squabbles.

Violet-green Swallows
Below, the male of the pair shown above flies away.

Violet-green Swallows

Violet-green Swallow
My only other flight shot of a Violet-green Swallow, taken just east of the Chiricahuas, near the Arizona-New Mexico border.