Reddish Egret, Egretta rufescens
Reddish Egret, 3/19/08, Fort Desoto Park, St. Petersburg, FL
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/22/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
The two-toned bill shows that the bird above is in breeding plumage; the others on this page are in winter plumage.
The foraging action of the Reddish Egret is often spectacular, see examples below -- here is the result.
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/22/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/23/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Reddish Egret, 1/5/13, La Paz, Baja Sur, Mexico
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/23/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/22/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/23/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Reddish Egret, winter, 12/23/05, La Paz, BCS, Mexico