Pine Warbler, Setophaga pinus

Pine Warbler
The yellow "spectacles" broken by a dark eyeline are a good mark for this species. The more extensive and brighter yellow underparts, and yellowish-olive upperparts, mark the bird shown above and below as probably a male; a typical female has duller and less extensive yellow below and brownish-olive above, as seen in the bird at the bottom of this page.

Pine Warbler
For a long time, my only sighting of a Pine Warbler was the one below from 2005, the bird skulking in the grass at the Beech Forest, Provincetown, where they are summer nesting visitors. Then in March of 2012 I got the better views captured above, in this bird's favorite habitat, reflected in its common name, a pine grove, this one in Central Florida where they are permanent residents.

Pine Warbler

Pine Warbler
And then in April 2015 I was able to photograph a Pine Warbler in wildly blooming redbud, before most of the trees leafed out, in southeastern Ohio, on the fringes of Appalachia!