Northern Shoveler, Anas clypeata
Northern Shovelers, pair mating, 12/30/06, Palo Alto Baylands
A mating pair, right after the winter solstice.
Northern Shoveler, male, 1/1/07, Palo Alto Baylands
Northern Shoveler, female, 10/22/06, Edwards NWR, Alviso
Northern Shovelers are the most commonly seen wintering ducks around the south shores of San Francisco Bay. A female, showing some yellow in the bill; compare the female of the mating pair above.
Northern Shoveler, male, 2/17/07, Palo Alto Baylands
Northern Shoveler, male, Fall plumage, 10/21/08, Palo Alto Baylands
Male in Fall plumage above -- an intermediate stage between eclipse and full breeding plumage, the latter of which usually isn't attained until winter in this species. Below, another Fall male, as identified by the bright yellow eye -- the orange bill is found in a few males in non-breeding plumage, according to the account in Birds of North America online.
Northern Shoveler, male, 9/15/07, Edwards NWR, Alviso