Northern Parula, Setophaga americana

Northern Parula
The newly-arrived male Northern Parulas gave us our most colorful shots of a four-day bird photography workshop led by Matt Studebaker in Shawnee State Forest, southeastern Ohio, in April 2015. 

Northern Parula

Northern Parula

Northern Parula
Above, a breeding-plumage male, photographed in July, 2010 on beautiful Deer Isle, Maine. Note the chestnut breastband, much more extensive than in the April males from Ohio shown in the images above. 

Northern Parula
Above and below, an August hatch-year bird in formative plumage, with limited development of wingbars and eye-crescents, limited yellow in throat, yellow with faint chestnut wash on breast. Photographed August 2014 on Deer Isle, Maine.

Northern Parula