Mew Gull, Larus canus

Mew Gull
Mews are two-year gulls, small with a slender plain yellow bill, and prominent black wing tips as adults. They breed in western Canada and Alaska, and were the most common gull during my visit to Anchorage and Nome in 2011, where the picture above, showing a breeding plumage Mew, was taken. They are common wintering birds along the Northern California coast.

Mew Gull
Above and below, adult Mews on the California coast in their non-breeding plumage.

Mew Gull

Mew Gull
Second-cycle winter plumage, the last immature plumage held by this two-year gull.

Mew Gull
First-cycle winter plumage.

Mew Gulls
A mating pair gave me and my friends a surprise photo-op in Anchorage.

Mew Gull
An adult non-breeding bird in flight.

Mew Gull
Second-cycle winter, in flight.

Mew Gull
A first-cycle bird in October, photographed on a pelagic trip on Monterey Bay.