Least Tern, Sterna antillarum
Least Tern, 4/14/08, East Beach, Galveston, TX
Least Tern, 4/14/08, East Beach, Galveston, TX
Least Tern, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West  Haven, Connecticut
The pictures from here down were taken in a single session at the nesting area at Sandy Point in West Haven, CT, where I was able to settle down in the sand outside the boundary and let the birds get used to me.
Least Tern, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut
Least Tern, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut
Least Tern, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut
Least Tern, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut
Least Tern, on nest, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut
Least Tern, on nest, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut
These bottom three show nesting birds; notice the eggs, and their resemblance to nearby speckled beach stones, in the last two.
Least Tern, nesting, 6/5/06, Sandy Point, West Haven, Connecticut