Horned Lark, Eremophila alpestris
Horned Lark, 6/24/06, Marble Hot Springs Road, Sierra Valley, Plumas Co
Horned Lark, singing male,  6/20/05, Marble Hot Springs Road, Sierra Valley, Plumas Co
Top three, males in breeding season, singing or about to sing; below, female in winter.
Horned Lark, female, 10/28/07,  Sierra Road
Above, another male in breeding season. Below, a male, with the solid black facial patch, but as the breastband isn't fully developed, I speculate it may be a first-winter bird.
Horned Lark, male, first winter? 11/7/07, Little Panoche Road, Fresno Co
Horned Lark, 6/8/08, Harriet Lane, Sierra Valley, Plumas Co