Eared Grebe, Podriceps nigricollis

Eared Grebe
Eared Grebes winter in the Bay Area, and molt into their striking breeding plumage, shown in the top three images here, before they depart in spring.

Eared Grebe

Eared Grebe

Eared Grebe
The birds above and below show the non-breeding plumage, which is how we usually see them.

Eared Grebe

Horned and Eared Grebes
Eared Grebe right, with the similar Horned Grebe, which also winters in the Bay Area,  on the left. Note the darker head of the Eared, without a sharp division between dark and light, and the differently shaped heads and bills of the two species.

Eared Grebe
The pale eye marks this as a first-cycle bird; adults have red eyes.