Dusky Warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus

Dusky Warbler
The Dusky Warbler is a leaf-warbler, one of the several families making up the broad group
of old-world warblers, which are not related to the wood warblers of the Americas. The
plain and skulky little birds of this species breed in East and winter in Southeast Asia. They
are rare visitors to Alaska, extremely rare in California, reported less than twenty times;
oddly, they have never been reported in Oregon, Washington, or British Columbia. This
one was spotted by Ron Thorn at a bayside fennel patch in South San Francisco on
September 24, 2016; in company with birders and photographers from far and wide, I
was able to get these photos in the same place the next day.

Dusky Warbler

Dusky Warbler