Common Yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas
Adult male.
Common Yellowthroat, female, 9/17/05, Hammonasset Beach Park, Madison, CT
Adult females, left and below.
Common Yellowthroat, female, first winter?, 9/24/07, Palo Alto Baylands
Left, a female, probably first winter; almost no yellow showing. Below, three first winter males, with the black lining coming in.
Common Yellowthroat, first winter male, 9/27/07, Palo Alto Baylands
Common Yellowthroat, first winter male, 10/3/07, Palo Alto Baylands
Common Yellowthroat, juvenile, 5/23/05, Salinas River NWR, Monterey Co
Two pictures of a juvenile male in late May.
Common Yellowthroat, juvenile, 5/23/05, Salinas River NWR, Monterey Co
Common Yellowthroat, female, 10/21/06, Monterey Dunes, Moss Landing, Monterey Co
Another female, possibly first winter; below, more adult males.
Common Yellowthroat, male, 9/25/07, Palo Alto Baylands
Common Yellowthroat, male, 9/24/06, Moss Landing, Monterey Co
Common Yellowthroat, male, 10/21/06, Monterey Dunes, Moss Landing, Monterey Co
Common Yellowthroat, male, 6/18/08, Half Moon Bay, San Mateo Co