Canyon Wren, Catherpes mexicanus

Canyon Wren, male singing, 12/13/10, Morro Rock, San Luis Obispo Co
The beautiful cascade of sound that is the song of the Canyon Wren is recalled for me by these photographs: above, at spectacular Morro Rock on the central California coast; below, at Coyote Lake Park, an hour's drive from my house in the Diablo Range. 

Canyon Wren

Canyon Wren, 12/13/10, Morro Rock, San Luis Obispo Co
More pictures of the singing male at Morro Rock on a sunny December day.

Canyon Wren, male, 12/13/10, Morro Rock, San Luis Obispo Co

Canyon Wren
The bird shown above and below was seen around the Coyote Lake Park dam in fall 2014.

Canyon Wren