Cackling Goose, Branta hutchinsii

Cackling Goose
Cackling Geese were once classified as the two smallest subspecies of the Canada Goose, but more recently were recognized as a separate species. The bird above is minima, the smallest subspecies; note the rounded head and absence of neck ring. The one below is Aleutian (leucopareia) -- slightly larger, and note the neck ring, slightly longer bill, and especially the blocky shape of the head.

Cackling Goose

Cackling Goose
The bird above is a minima -- note the dark breast and underparts, as well as the small bill and absence of a neck ring. Below, a flying Aleutian, identified by the neck ring, flying in at sunset in the California Central Valley, one of thousands of birds of this subspecies I watched come home to roost there in the late fall of 2014.

Cackling Goose
Below, several Aleutians of the California Central Valley group described just above, coming in to their overnight roost in a harvested corn field.

Cackling Geese

Cackling Goose
Above, a swimming Cackling Goose of the Aleutian subpecies; below, the same bird looks to be launching a David/Goliath sneak attack from the rear one of two much bigger Canada Geese.

Cackling Goose